What I thought about ''The Hunger Games was that it was good I would give it about three and a half stars, because they put in parts that were not important to the movie and book and they left out the important parts. The movie theater was horrible, so frist we were in a big nice theater the they said the movie would begianun in 10 minutes we were sitting there for about 15 minutes then they moved us from the big nice theater to a small crappy one then when the movie started the lowered the curtains to low so I did'tn really get to injoy the movie cause the top of there heads were cut off, so I suggest you don't go to the Edwards Cinena Imax in Scrips Ranch.
The parts that I thought that were not nessary was the part were Katniss and Gale were hunting and the hover craft came over because they didn't show the avox. Also when the head game maker was talking to Snow because that made it seem like not Katniss' point of view like it is sopposed to be.
The parts that I thought that they missed was at the reapping Effie she was supposed to be wearing a green suit not a pink one,and after Effie picked the girls and Katniss vontered she was supposed to have a hand on her wig while she picked the boys. In the cave they missed the part were Katniss tells Peeta the story about how she got Prim's goat also when Haymich send Katniss the sleep medicine. Also I thought that the district 12 bag at the feast was souppsed to be way smaller. The movie missed one of my favorite parts when Peeta knocks the glass out of Haymich's hand and Haymich punches Peeta another part when Katniss pushes Peeta into a furn not choking him man I was really looking forward to that part. Also they When Haymich throws up during the reaping and when Prim leaves the goat cheese on the table before Katniss leaves to go hunting.And they left out Madge and when they last see Effie says "maybe next year they will upgrade me to a better distrect"Also when Peeta loses his leg to the mutts,since he did not lose his leg I think that the 2ed and 3rd book are going to be way different.
My favorite parts of the movie were when Katniss stabs the table and Effie screeches "That's Mogany"
And when Katniss is done choking Peeta and Effie are going up the stairs and Effie turns around to Haymich and Katniss and says "Mannors!"
My favorite charter in the movie is Effie Trinket because when she talks it sounds so funny and the things she says is funny "I just love that"
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